Vectorized simulation from a non homogeneous Poisson Point Process (NHPPP) from (t_min, t_max) given the cumulative intensity function and its inverse
Sample NHPPP times using the cumulative intensity function and its inverse.
Lambda_args = NULL,
Lambda_inv_args = NULL,
tol = 10^-6,
atmost1 = FALSE,
atleast1 = FALSE
- Lambda
(function, double vector) an increasing function which is the integrated rate of the NHPPP. It should take a vectorized argument t for times and an optional arguments list.
- Lambda_inv
(function, double vector) the inverse of
, also in vectorized form It should take a vectorized argument z and an optional arguments list.- t_min
(scalar | vector | column matrix) the lower bound of the interval for each sampled point process The length of this argument is the number of point processes that should be drawn.
- t_max
(scalar | vector | column matrix) the upper bound of the interval for each sampled point process The length of this argument is the number of point processes that should be drawn.
- Lambda_args
(list) optional arguments to pass to Lambda.
- Lambda_inv_args
(list) optional arguments to pass to Lambda_inv().
- tol
the tolerange for the calulations.
- atmost1
boolean, draw at most 1 event time per sampled point process.
- atleast1
boolean, draw at least 1 event time